
Poziv na promociju


Позивамо вас да присуствујете и учествујете у промоцији првог српског Интернет-каталога намењеног пре свега наставницима али и свима којима је образовање важно и упознате наставнике који су спремни да вам помогну да искористите Интернет на најбољи могући начин.

Тридесетак наставника из целе Србије направило је први српски Интернет-каталог намењен пре свега наставницима али и свима којима је образовање важно.

Овај каталог – вебсајт настао је у знак сећања на изненада и прерано преминулог колегу Горана Стојковића, наставника коме за живота нисмо стигли да се одужимо за све што нас је научио, или нам је помогао да научимо.

У суботу, 4.2.2012. у Дому Интернет домена, у РНИДС-у, Жоржа Клемансоа 18а/I у Београду, састаће се уреднички тим овог вебсајта, пријатељи и сарадници, сетити се Горана и представити јавности ово јединствено веб-место осмишљено са циљем да осавремени образовно-васпитни процес у нашим школама и буде место окупљања свих љубитеља информационих технологија.

Почетак промоције је у 10:45

С поштовањем,

тим "Клик до знања"

Cambridge Seminars in Serbia

For more information please go to Seminars section.


Towards Better Understanding - Kula, Vrbas, Crvenka..

Seminar za nastavnike engleskog jezika

MESTO ODRŽAVANJA: Ekonomsko-trgovinska skola, Marsala Tita 113 Kula


KOTIZACIJA: 600 dinara./ 300 din. za članove ELTA

ROK ZA PLAĆANJE: 15. 02.2012. /uputstvo za plaćanje šalje kontakt osoba/

KONTAKT OSOBA: IVANA ILIĆ 065-240-23-70 ivana.irishgirl@gmail.com


Oxfor Centar Seminar

Oxford Centar has the pleasure to invite you to the

Accredited Seminar

„Application of Fine Arts in Teaching“.

For more information visit the Seminars section.


Macmillan's Present

This handy pdf download provides over 20 of our famous Inside Out eLessons to use at the relevant time of the year for those annual events that students always love to cover.



More useful resources

If you were not able to attend the winter OUP seminar in Belgrade, here are some useful links and resources.

I wish to thank Mrs. Božica Šarić - Cvjetković for providing them.

Two more seminars

Two more brand new seminars organized by OUP and The English Book.

For more information visit Seminars section.


Good luck!

Good luck in the second term! Here's the reaching-english four-leaf clover, just in case! :)


Tech Tools for Teachers: Podcasting

In the first instalment of his brand-new series, Nik Peachey looks at podcasting and how it can be used to help students develop their listening and speaking skills both inside and outside the classroom. Nik provides a comprehensive overview article on podcasting, a downloadable lesson plan, a video screencast tutorial and a printable how-to guide.

Go to One Stop English and read the whole article: click here.



A palindrome is a word or sentence that reads the same forward as it does backward. The words a and I are perhaps the simplest and least interesting palindromes; the word racecar and the name Hannah are more interesting and illustrative. Neither spaces nor punctuation are usually taken into consideration when constructing sentences that are palindromes -- one of the most famous palindromes is "A man, a plan, a canal, Panama" -- but when the spaces are properly positioned as well, so much the better. An example would be the also famous palindrome "Able was I ere I saw Elba," purportedly spoken by Napoleon, referring to his first sighting of Elba, the island where the British exiled him.

A number of interesting palindromes are given here for your amusement.



Knoword is a game of quick thinking, smart decisions and great words. When you begin, you will be given one randomly generated dictionary definition along with the first letter of its corresponding word. You must fill in the rest of the word to experience a gain in points and an added time bonus. You will start off with one minute before the game ends, and every word is an opportunity to extend your time. If you're ever stuck on a word, just hit the skip button and a new puzzle will present itself.

If you're able to string together correct answers, you will notice your Word streak counter increasing. You can accumulate badges and additional points by achieving certain amounts of consecutively correct words... How far can you get?


Watch out, it's very addictive!!!



Do check documentary.net for the vast amount of documentary films.

It is great for listening activities and for developing discussions as well as for fun or gathering information.


Druga twitter diskusija

U nedelju 08.01.2012. će se održati druga tviter diskusija. Glasajte za temu o kojoj želite da diskutujete na sledećem linku: Odaberite temu.

O tome kako je protekla prva tviter diskusija pročitajte ovde: http://www.skolskidnevnik.net/2012/01/prva-twitter-diskusija/

Za više informacija, potražite na tviteru #eseminari ili pratite korisnika @mzoran.

Vidimo se u nedelju

Electronic Village Online (EVO) 2012

2012 Sessions

January 9, 2012 - February 12, 2012
Registration is Jan 2-8, 2012

Click here for more information and registration: EVO 2012