
October on-line sessions by Pearson experts!

This autumn knowledge is at your fingertips. 
Join Pearson expert sessions on-line!
Certificate of attendance for each session!
21 October, Saturday 
9:30 AM CEST(Warsaw time)

The Global Scale of English: an end-to-end solution for teaching, learning and assessing EnglishMike Mayor
21 October, Saturday 
10:45 AM CEST

Managing student confidence and expectations in mixed level IELTS classes,Clare Walsh
21 October, Saturday 
3:00 PM CEST

Positive Psychology in Action: Foreign Language Enjoyment, dr. Mariola Bogucka
23 October, Monday 
6:00 PM CEST

Language Learning: Seven Steps to Critical and Creative Thinking, dr. Ken Beaty
24 October, Tuesday 
6:00 PM CEST

Scaffolding: The Art of Building a Lesson, 
Sara Davila
25 October, Wednesday 
6:00 PM CEST

Creating a Mindset for Academic Success,Michael Rost
25 October, Wednesday 
9:00 PM CEST

University Success: Beyond the English Language Classroom, Robyn Brinks Lockwood, Maggie Sokolik, and Larry Zwier
26 October, Thursday 
6:00 PM CEST

Engaging a New Generation with Real World English, Jennifer Lebedev and Pamela Vittorio
26 October, Thursday 
9:00 PM CEST

What is the PIAAC and Why Should You Be Interested in Its Implications?, Federico Salas-Isnardi
27 October, Friday 
6:00 PM CEST

Meeting the Needs of Digital Natives,Christina Cavage
27 October, Friday 
8:00 PM CEST
Practical Techniques for Teaching Culture in the ClassroomJoe McVeigh