
Electronic Village Online (EVO) 2015

Call for Participation in TESOL's

Electronic Village Online (EVO) 2015

A Project of TESOL's Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Interest Section

For five weeks in January and February, TESOL experts and participants from around the world engage in collaborative online discussions or hands-on virtual workshops of professional and scholarly benefit. These sessions bring together participants for a longer period of time than is permitted by land-based professional development

..conventions and allow a fuller development of ideas than is otherwise possible.

Sessions are free and open to anyone around the globe. It is not necessary to attend the TESOL Convention in order to participate. All you need is access to the Internet. Choose a session from this year's offerings, listed below. And please inform your colleagues about this unparalleled professional development opportunity!

Nina Liakos

On behalf of the EVO Coordination Team


Oxford vebinar

Odluka o izboru novog udžbenika zavisi od puno faktora, a jedan od važnijih je svakako kvalitet nastavnih materijala koji vam mogu olakšati pripremu i realizaciju nastave.

Pridružite nam se na webinaru - online seminaru  na temu:

Seven tips for preparing lessons and teaching with Project 4th edition

na kome će Edmund Dudley sa vama podeliti praktične ideje i tehnike za efikasno planiranje i realizaciju nastave sa novim Project 4th edition priručnikom za nastavnika i pratećim MultiROM-om.
Vreme: Utorak, 16. decembar u 20:00h
Registracija traje svega nekoliko minuta, a možete se prijaviti već sada popunjavanjem online prijave.

Predavač: Edmund Dudley

Ako nikada niste učestvovali na webinaru, posetite našu webinar stranicu da saznate kako da nam se pridružite

Svi učesnici će dobiti:

diplomu o učešću i  novi OUP Rokovnik za 2015. godinu

Project 4th edition Teacher’s Book pored dodatnih instrukcija sadrži i opcione aktivnosti i stranice iz udžbenika, kao i Multi-ROM sa

48 radnih listova po nivou, uputstvima za izradu online projekata i mnošvom interaktivnih aktivnosti 

Više o sadržajima i komponentama četvrtog izdanja pogledajte u ovoj prezentaciji.

Očekujemo vaše prijave i radujemo se novom online druženju sa vama!

Srdačan pozdrav,

Vera Šćekić
Area Manager
Oxford University Press ELT


Kreativna radionica sa Emom Fik

Američki kutak će ugostiti mladu američku umetnicu, Emu Fik, koja će održati kreativnu radionicu ilustracija pod nazivom „Snippets", u četvrtak 20. novembra u 18 časova.

Ideja za ove radionice proistekla je iz većeg projekta pod nazivom „Snippets of Serbia" koji predstavlja grafički narativ o srpskoj kulturi. Projekat beleži srpski identitet kroz ilustracije detalja, a kada se posmatra kao celina dobija se kompletna slika života u Srbiji iz perspektive jedne amerikanke.

Ema Fik je diplomirala na odseku za Englesku književnost i istoriju umetnosti na Univerzitetu u Alabami. Trenutno, Ema boravi u Srbiji kao stipendista Fulbrajt programa.

Kreativne radionice će se sastojati od dve komponente: prezentacije i ilustracije. Učenici će napraviti sopstvene „Snippets of Serbia" i „Snippets of America" koristeći svoje znanje o obe kulture. Crtaće ono što veruju da predstavlja određenu kulturu, na kraju svake radionice, 15-20 učenika će prezentovati svoje crteže i ideju iza crteža svim prisutnima.

Ukoliko ste zainteresovani da učestvujete u ovim radionicama, javite nam se putem mejla: kragujevac@americancorners.rs ili telefonom 034-208887

Ako želite više da saznate o ovoj vrlo talentovanoj umetnici, posetite njen vebsajt: http://www.emmafick.com/

American Corner Kragujevac
Dr Zorana Đinđića 10/III, 34000 Kragujevac
Open 7.30 am - 7 pm Monday - Friday
Tel/Fax: +381 34 208 887

Poziv: Project 4th edition prezentacija

Draga koleginice/kolega,

Oxford University Press i The English Book vas sa velikim zadovoljstvom pozivaju na prezentaciju novog izdanja udžbenika Project 4th edition koje će vam predstaviti autor ove popularne serije udžbenka gospodin Tom Hutchinson.

Pridružite nam se u nekom od sledećih gradova:

NIŠ Četvrtak, 4. decembar 18:30 - 20:30

NOVI SAD Petak, 5. decembar 18:30 - 20:30

BEOGRAD Subota, 6. decembar 11:00 - 13:00

Dođite da upoznate autora i saznate više o novinama koje donosi četvrto izdanje udžbenika Project!


Svi učesnici će dobiti besplatan Priručnik za nastavnika sa udžbenikom, a 15 nastavnika koji se najbrže prijave (po 5 u svakom gradu) očekuju i vredne nagrade koje će im biti uručene na samom događaju.

Prijavite se već sada i možda to budete baš vi!  PRIJAVA >>

Prijavljivanje je otvoreno do 2. decembra.

Nakon prezentacije priredićemo koktel i izložbu OUP izdanja i verujemo da će to biti lepa prilika da popričate sa autorom i razmenite iskustva sa kolegama.

Oxford University Press će svim učesnicima izdati uverenje o učešću.

Očekujemo vas u nekom od gradova, a za sve dodatne informacije možete nam se obratiti putem emaila na oupserbia@oup.com ili telefonom na 011 2753 457.

Pogledajte Tomov poziv i pridružite nam se!


Variety as the Spice of ELT 2

Seminari sa odličnim preporukama koje dolaze od samih polaznika:

Variety as the Spice of ELT 2 namenjen nastavnicima engleskog jezika.

Kataloški broj 684, 2014-16

6.12.2014. Regionalni centar za talente Vranje

Motivacija - moguća misija namenjen nastavnicima svih stranih jezika kao i nastavnicima srpskog jezika i jezika nacionalnih manjina

Kataloški broj 691, 2014-16

2.11.2014. Leskovac, Centar za stručno usavršavanje

15.11.2014. Knjaževac, Regionalni centar za stručno usavršavanje

13.12.2014. Vranje, Regionalni centar za talente

​Pogledajte video sa već održane Motivacije u CSU Leskovac.


Student Blogging Challenge

Getting organized

Welcome to the organizational post for the 13th Student Blogging Challenge.

The first challenges will be published on September 14, 2014.

Registration forms for classes and students have already been published. These were each on a separate post with a Google form asking for certain information. Once you have registered as a class or student, you will be able to visit the participant pages which will be found in the header area of this blog as well as below here.
Class registration – Teachers only to fill in this form with their homeclass blog
Class participants
Student registration – Students with their own individual blog which might be part of a course you are taking
Student participation

We will be having a badge again that can be added to your blog. Read this post by the Edublogs team about how to add the badge to your sidebar. Depending upon the blogging platform you use, the text box or image widget might have a different name.

Can visitors leave comments and read posts on your blog?

You might think they can but try this. Go to your blog but don’t login. Most of your visitors wont be logging in. Can they read your posts? Now try to leave a comment on a post. Can you leave a comment? If you cant read a post or comment without logging in, then neither can your visitors. Check with your teacher about the settings you might need to change. This post from last September challenge shows how to change privacy settings on edublogs, kidblog and blogger platforms.

Are you on the student list only once? Are you on the correct list?

Each challenge we don’t always have enough mentors to cover all students registered, so please check that you’re only on the list once. The list is found in the header area on the challenge blog. This is where you go to visit other student or class blogs. If you are on there more than once or in the wrong age group, leave me a comment on that page giving me first name, age, URL and what is wrong and I will make corrections on the spreadsheet.

How are you going to know when the challenge is published each week?

One way of being notified straight away is to subscribe to the challenge blog. Just fill in the subscribe by email widget at the top of the sidebar. An email will be sent to you as soon as I hit the publish button for a new post.

Is there a link to your class blog on your sidebar?

It is helpful for your visitors especially other teachers and your mentor, to have a link to your class blog on the sidebar of your blog. If using Edublogs, you might have a class blogs or class directory widget you can add to your sidebar. This will show your class blog and any other students blogs connected to the class blog.

Teachers using Edublogs, here is the post on how to set up class blogs. Using another blogging platform, then check out the Get Help section on the sidebar of the challenge blog. This is where I have links to user guides, videos etc for a variety of blogging platforms. If you know of some more links I could add there please let me know in a comment on this post.

Any chance of some teachers from your school being mentors for the challenge?

Maybe some teachers who might be interested in blogging wouldn’t mind being a mentor in this challenge. Mentors when registering, I will need your name and a way to contact you to send reminders such as an email address. The results from this form will not be published, but you will also be asked to write a short bio in the comment area of the registration post.

Finally, do we have a class which would like to run the challenge for one week?

This year I am hoping some classes will run one of the challenge weeks. If your class would like to run the challenge for one week, please leave a comment mentioning the theme you would like to set challenges for eg global issues, history, my country, nature, and the date for it to be published. The journalism students from Cactus Canyon, Arizona ran one of the challenge weeks during the March challenges. Check it out here for an example of what can be done.
Get your blog organized, have at least one interesting post written before the challenge starts, so any visitors will be able to leave a comment.
You have just over 2 weeks till the first challenge is published.


Cambridge English Teacher Scholarship

Outline and justify where you feel you are located on the Cambridge English Teaching Framework (200-250 words). What development activities do you plan to undertake to progress in each category? (200-250 words)

Submit Your Entry

 Deadline: 24 July 2014


Enter Your Future


Pridruži se mladim liderima!

Studentska organizacija AIESEC organizuje po drugi put ove godine projekat “Enter Your Future” u trajanju od pet nedelja. Ideja projekta je da srednjoškolcima i učenicima sedmog i osmog razreda osnovnih škola podigne svest o neformalnom obrazovanju i podstakne ih da ulažu u sebe i šire svoja znanja i vidike,

Realizacija projekta će početi početkom juna, a sam projekat je koncipiran tako da srednjoškolci i učenici osnovnih škola učestvuju u interaktivnim i edukativnim radionicama sa studentima - volonterima iz inostranstva. Kroz timski rad, internacionalno okruženje i kreativne aktivnosti koje pokrivaju ključne teme, učesnicima projekta se ukazuje prilika da razviju komunikacione i liderske veštine I prošire mrežu prijatelja.

Za učenike osnovnih škola planirane su jezičke radionice koje imaju za cilj upoznavanje kulture odakle inostrani student volonter dolazi kao i stvaranje želje za učenjem novog stranog jezika. Srednjoškolcima su namenjene edukacije koje se tiču pre svega informatičke pismenosti uz fokus na praktičnu primenu stečenih veština. Radionice namenjene učenicima srednjih škola prilagođene su svakoj godini zasebno. Na kraju projekta, učesnici će dobiti sertifikate o odslušanim edukacija i stečenim veštinama. Ovo je idealna prilika za sve učenike osnovnih i srednjih škola koji žele da ulažu u svoje obrazovanje i dodatno se informišu o stvarima koje su im neophodne za lični i profesionalni razvoj.

Ukoliko si zainteresovan za učešće na ovom projektu možeš da popuniš prijavu na sledećem linku i bićeš uskoro kontaktiran: PRIJAVA.

AIESEC je globalna mreža studenata koja razvija liderski potencijal mladih i pozitivno utiče na društvo. Prisustvom u preko 120 zemalja sveta, AIESEC predstavlja najveću organizaciju vođenu od strane studenata. Svojim programima internacionalnih praksi i organizacijom edukativnih i društveno odgovornih projekata, AIESEC pruža mladima jedinstvenu mogućnost za lični i profesionalni razvoj i ostvarivanje pozitivnog uticaja na društvo.

AIESEC na Ekonomskom fakultetu

Kamenička 6, Beograd
Maja Todorović
Marketing & PR manager
Mob: +381.
E-mail: maja.todorovic@aiesec.net


British Pathé

The world's finest news and entertainment video film archive. Since the invention of the moving image in the 1890's, British Pathé began recording every aspect of global culture and news, for the cinema. With their unique combination of information and entertainment, British Pathé's documentaries, newsreels, serials and films changed the way the world saw itself forever.

With it's unparalleled collection of historical events and vast catalogue of changing social activity, British Pathé encompasses one of the world's most prodigious and fascinating documents of the modern age. From fashion to warfare and sport to travel, British Pathé is the definitive source for the 20th century in moving images.

All 85,000 newsreels are now searchable and viewable on YouTube. This equates to 3,500 hours of filmed history.

Our YouTube channel includes some of the public's favourite clips, rare and amusing pieces to share and footage related to big days throughout the year

I wish to thank Mr. Vladan Al Mladenović for this useful link.


Learning Technologies for the Classroom - SEMINARS

ELTA is pleased to announce that the program “Learning Technologies for the Classroom”, a series of one-day professional development seminars, will be offered to teachers all over Serbia this Spring.

What is “Learning Technologies for the Classroom”?
It is an exciting teacher development program designed and run by Serbian teacher trainers for Serbian teachers! It has been accredited by the Minister of Education of the Republic of Serbia.

Who designed it? Who Supports it?
Serbian trainers – secondary school teachers who successfully completed an ELT Training Course which was organized with the cooperation of the British Council and ELTA. The programme is supported by ELTA and the British Council.

Thanks to the support of the British Council, the fee for a one-day seminar is free of charge.

Where will the seminars be organized this year?
We are planning to organize 15 one-day seminars. The program starts in April and ends in June. If you are interested in attending “Learning Technologies for the Classroom” seminar, please contact our coordinator or Regional Centre.

1. Knjaževac 26.4.2014. Valentina Nikolovski, Dušica Simić Regionalni centar
rcsu.knj@gmail.com T. 019 731 920 

2. Niš
26.4.2014. Dragana Milanković. Nataša Jonović Regionalni centar
pvioleta@gu.ni.rs M. 069 2966515 

3. Kikinda 10.5.2014. Maja Jerković, Marija Lukač Regionalni centar
csukikinda2@gmail.com  T. 0230 404 830 lok. 107 

4. Smederevo 10.5.2014. Ivan Ilić , Milena Tanasijević Regionalni centar
M. 064 1994 348 

5. Kragujevac 10.5.2014. Aleksandra Sekulić, Jelena Krstanović Elez Regionalni centar
czsu.kg@gmail.com M. 060 55 988 00 

6. Kraljevo 10.5.2014. Željko Andrijanić, Miloš Đerić Gimnazija teacher73yu@gmail.com

7. Užice 11.5.2014. Katarina Ristanović, Miloš Đerić
Regionalni centar
milena.vicevic@rcu-uzice.rs   T. 031 512 580 

8. Šabac  24.5.2014. Ivan Ilić,  Zorica Jovanović Regionalni centar
T. 015 392 350 

9. Novi Pazar 24.5.2014. Željko Andrijanić,  Marija Lukač Regionalni centar
info@rcnp.rs   T. 020 322 822 

10. Kruševac 24.5.2014. Nenad Miladinović,  Biljana Pavlović Regionalni centar
slobodan.colovic@csu.edu.rs T. 037 445735 

11. Leskovac 31.5.2014. Valentina Nikolovski,  Biljana Pavlović Regionalni centar
csuleskovac@gmail.com M. 064 897 3950 

12. Valjevo 31.5.2014. Valentina Gavranović, Danijela Serafijanović Tehnička škola 

13. Subotica 31.5.2014. Gordana Klašnja, Marija Lukač Gimnazija 

14. Beograd 31.5.2014. Nenad Miladinović, Ivana Milošević 

15. Novi Sad 7.6.2014. Gordana Klašnja,  Ana Tripković

Find more info here: http://elta.org.rs/seminars/tkt/


Ed2.0Work European Competition 2.0

Using Internet & mobile apps in education

How do you use technology, apps, games or Web2.0 tools in your teaching?

This is your chance to show your great ideas for teaching to the world and win prizes and a expense

paid trip to present your ideas at European Conference in the Applications of Enabling Technologies,

2014 20-21 November 2014, Glasgow, Scotland;

We can’t wait to see what you are doing.


The Ed2.0Work European project is looking at how Internet technologies and mobile apps can be
used in teaching.

We are running a Europe-wide competition for teachers. You can show us how you are using
technology to enhance your teaching.

You need to be innovative and communicative and can show your ideas on a video. We do not need
lengthy text explanations.

FIND MORE INFORMATION HERE: http://sigs.ed20work.eu/groups/how-enter


Godišnja konferencija - Cambridge Day

Ovog aprila, u saradnji sa Cambridge English Language Assessment-om, organizovaćemo našu godišnju konferencijuCambridge Day. Ovogodišnja predavanja su posvećena veštinama učenja pravopisa za sve uzraste prema metodi "phonics", komunikativnom pristupu u obrazovanju učenika tinejdžerskog uzrasta kao i pripremi za Cambridge Englishispite. Tokom konferencije imaćete priliku da čujete Keren Eliot (Karen Elliott), Nika Bilbroa (Nick Bilbrough) i Boba Obija (Bob Obee). Više o autorima i predavanjima možete pročitati ovde.

Cambridge Day,   subota 12. april,

Hotel Crowne Plaza, Vladimira Popovića 10, Beograd


09.00 – 10.00 Registracija
10.00 – 10.15 Uvodni govori
10.15 – 11.15 Plenarno predavanje: Keren Eliot
11.15 – 11.45 Kafe pauza
11.45 – 12.45 Radionica: Nik Bilbrou
12.45 – 13.45 Pauza za ručak
13.45 – 14.45 Plenarno predavanje: Bob Obi
14.45 – 15.45 Radionica: Bob Obi
15.45 – 16.15 Podela certifikata

Kako se prijaviti?

Ako želite da se prijavite za učešće na konferenciji, molimo Vas da popunite ovaj formular. Takođe bismo želeli da napomenemo da je broj mesta ograničen. Potvrde o učešću na seminaru će biti poslate u sredu, 9. aprila 2014. godine. Sve konferencije u organizaciji Cambridge University Press-a iCambridge English Language Assessment-a su besplatne za sve učesnike. Konferencija Cambridge Day je odobrena od strane ZUOV-a i nosi jedan bod profesionalnog usavršavanja (NB zbog tehničke greške seminar je u katalogu Zavoda prijavljen za 13. april).

S poštovanjem,

Branko Stojanović
Menadžer prodaje za region Balkana
Cambridge University Press
Obilićev venac 18-20
11000 Beograd

E-pošta: belgrade@cambridge.org

New Webinar - Introducing the new Cambridge English Teaching Framework

Cambridge English Language Assessment invites you to join us for our new webinar - Introducing the new Cambridge English Teaching Framework on Monday 14 April 14.00 - 15.00 (UK time*) and Wednesday 16 April 10.00 - 11.00 (UK time*).

*Check the times of the webinars where you are:

Monday 14 April
Wednesday 16 April

Cambridge English provides the world’s leading range of teaching qualifications, and teachers all over the world regularly benefit from the continuing professional development we offer. In this webinar we will introduce our new Teaching Framework which underpins our offer to teachers. The webinar will give an overview of the framework, looking at the different levels and categories within it, how it is organised and how it relates to teachers across different teaching contexts. We will then highlight how you can make use of the framework to identify your development needs and to plan next steps in your career paths.

To register for this webinar, please choose your preferred date and time below:

Monday 14 April 2014, 14.00 - 15.00 (UK time)

Wednesday 16 April 2014, 10.00 - 11.00 (UK time)

If you have missed any of our previous webinars, you can watch recordings and download the slides on our official YouTube channel Cambridge English TV.

Previous webinars include:
Changes to Cambridge English: Advanced from 2015
Changes to Cambridge English: First and First for Schools from 2015
Introducing the revised Cambridge English: Proficiency
Assessing Speaking: the challenges and opportunities of using a paired format

Best wishes

The Cambridge English Webinar Team


Using authentic material in the classroom

Dear colleagues,

We are happy to invite you to a presentation titled “Using authentic material in the classroom”.

The venue is American Corner, Kragujevac, (Zorana Đinđića 10/3), date - March 28th (Friday), time – 5.30 pm.(starts 5.30 pm, finishes 6.30).

Presenter: Branka Dečković, English teacher, Medical school, Kragujevac
Here is the abstract of the presentation:

It is much easier to teach with a course book then to bring your own material. Nevertheless, using authentic material is far more interesting for me, and for my students. Authentic material is everywhere around you – newspaper article, scene from a movie, song, poem, picture, painting, graffiti - anything can be used as teaching material. In this workshop I am going to present some of the authentic teaching materials I have used with my students. I am sure some of them might work for you as well.

Wondering if you are going to get any points?… Well, this is so called “horizontal professional development”, so, yes, you are going to get 2 points, and a certificate of attendance J

I am sure you can spare an hour of your free time, come to hear what’s in it for you, and exchange ideas.

American Corner Kragujevac
Dr Zorana Đinđića 10/III
34000 Kragujevac
+381 34 300020

Online book catalog


Short Story Writing Competition

Lots of people love sports. And lots of people love to write! That’s why this year we’re running a creative writing competition with the theme ‘Sport’.

This competition is open to everyone: it is for young and old. It doesn’t matter which language level you are at: we are challenging you to put your creative writing cap on and submit your story!


Učešće na EAQUALS konferenciji

Poštovani saradnici,

Obaveštavamo vas da će The English Book, povodom EAQUALS međunarodne godišnje konferencije u Budimpešti, za zainteresovane organizovati zajednički odlazak i boravak na ovoj konferenciji.

EAQUALS konferencija održaće se u periodu od 24. do 26. aprila 2014. godine. Polazak iz Beograda predviđen je za 23. , a povratak 27. april.

Napominjemo da je za učesnike konferencije koji se budu registrovali preko The English Book-a kotizacija za konferenciju 245€ (umesto 295€).

Website sa informacijama o konferenciji:


Rezime ukupnih troškova boravka i konferencije:
EAQUALS konferencija
215 €
smeštaj u hotelu 1/1 - 4 noćenja
300 €
smeštaj u hotelu 1/2 - 4 noćenja
170 €
povratna autobuska karta (Fudeks)
40 €
večera na brodu
cena po učesniku (najam jednokrevetne sobe)
595€/615€ *
cena po učesniku (najam dvokrevetne sobe)
465€/485€ *
*  krajnja cena po učesniku navedena je u zavisnosti od izbora termina za krstarenje Dunavom i večeru na brodu

Za sva dodatna pitanja molimo vas obratite se
Anđeli Ajbl

011/31 31 044
065/31 31 057

S poštovanjem,

The English Book


Poziv na seminar za nastavnike engleskog jezika, Jeanne Perrett

Poštovani saradnici,

sa zadovoljstvom Vas pozivamo na seminar za nastavnike engleskog jezika na kome ćemo se podrobnije i praktično pozabaviti primenom teatra u nastavi engleskog jezika.

Voditelj seminara biće Jeanne Perrett      http://bit.ly/1bUQYhh

Drama in the Young Learner Classroom

Even when we are teaching very simple language, we can encourage our children to think adventurously. By using simple drama techniques such as mime and improvisation we can create different situations in the classroom. In this way we will encourage our children to become more creative in their language, their thought and in how they express themselves.

Tokom seminara biće izvedena i neka od najboljih aktuelnih učeničkih predstava iz Srbije, nakon čega ćemo imati pitanja i razgovor sa Jeanne Perrett, te sa učesnicima predstave i njihovim profesorima koji uspešno vode sekciju engleske drame.

Po završetku seminara učesnici će dobiti sertifikat o prisustvovanju na medjunarodnom seminaru za nastavnike engleskog jezika.

Verujemo da će vam ovaj seminar doneti nove, praktične ideje za još zanimljiviji rad te za nove uspehe u radu sa vašim učenicima.

Početak seminara je u 10:00 (registracija i preuzimanje materijala je od 9:30), a seminar se završava okvirno u 13:30.

Mesta i datumi održavanja:

Niš, Svetosavski dom, Prijezdina 7 14. mart 2014.

Beograd, Sava Centar, Milentija Popovića 9 15. mart 2014.

Novi Sad, TIMS Fakultet za sport i turizam, Radnička 30a 16. mart 2014.

Seminar je besplatan, a prijavljivanje se vrši mailom na  seminar2014@englishbook.rs uz navodjenje grada/datuma za koji se prijavljujete. Rok za prijavljivanje je 12.mart 2014.

Stojimo na raspolaganju za sva dodatna pitanja:

011 31 31 044 Jasmina Arsenijević, Maja Rančić, Milana Jović, Ivana Simović

S poštovanjem,

Vaš The English Book


Prezentacija "IT in English Language Teaching and Learning"


Narednog četvrtka (20. februar) u 18 sati će se u Američkom kutku u Kragujevcu održati prezentacija "IT in English Language Teaching and Learning" posvećena korišćenju informacionih tehnologija u učenju engleskog jezika.

Prezentaciju će održati George Chinnery (Regional English Language Officer (RELO) for Central and Southeastern Europe) iz ambasade SAD-a u Budimpešti.

Pozivamo Vas da ne propustite ovu jedinstvenu priliku. :)

Srdačan pozdrav,

Ivana & Dušan

American Corner Kragujevac
Dr Zorana Đinđića 10/III
34000 Kragujevac
+381 34 300020


Using Literature in Classroom - Seminar with Chris Rose

Pоštovani profesori engleskog jezika,

British Council ima čast da vas pozove na Filološki fakultet dana 21. februara 2014. godine na program stručnog usavršavanja na temu korišćenja književnosti u učionici.

Seminar i radionice koje će voditi Kris Rouz će se održati u Sali Heroja na Filološkom fakultetu na Studentskom trgu 3.


10.00 – 10.30 Registracija učesnika
10.30 – 11.30 Predavanje: ‘What Shall We Do With The Dead?’
11.30 – 13.00 Radionica: ‘How many stories?’
13.00 – 14.00 Ručak
14.00 – 15.30 Radionica: ‘The Book of Beginnings’
15.30 – 16.00 Podela sertifikata

Talk: ‘What Shall We Do With The Dead?’

One hundred years ago, James Joyce published his first book, Dubliners. While his reputation may largely be due to the later Ulysses, this collection of stories contains some of Joyce’s most intriguing writing, most notably the story ‘The Dead.’

This talk looks ‘The Dead,’ and the dead – ideas of return, memory and haunting in fiction, how the writing of ‘The Dead’ has reached out across the last century, and how it can be used in a variety of classroom settings.

Workshop 1: ‘How many stories?’

This workshop will have three short practical activities about using short stories in the language and/or literature classroom. Participants will be expected to engage with their imagination and creativity!

Workshop 2: ‘The Book of Beginnings’

This workshop will consist of a storytelling session in which participants will, if they like, be asked to construct the beginning of a story of their own.

About the Presenter

Chris Rose has worked in language teaching and literature for over twenty years. He has worked in Italy, Germany, Russia, Syria, Lebanon and Morocco and is currently an associate tutor with NILE in Norwich, UK. He has published a number of ELT readers with Macmillan and worked on several materials development projects with the British Council.

As C.D. Rose he has written a string of acclaimed short stories, and a book edited by him, The Biographical Dictionary of Literary Failure, will be published by Melville House this autumn.

Kako se registrovati?
Ako želite da učestvujete na ovom događaju, molimo vas da popunite ovaj formular. Molimo vas da požurite jer možemo prihvatiti samo ograničen broj učesnika. Prijava je otvorena do 18. februara kada ćemo sve uspešno prijavljene obavestiti o učešću.

(Ukoliko se formular ne otvori, ukucajte u internet pretraživač sledeću adresu: http://bit.ly/1lU7RN0)

Srdačan pozdrav,

Kristijan Rajković
British Council Srbija



Konkurs za najbolji literarni rad ili strip na engleskom jeziku

Konkurs za najbolji literarni rad ili strip na engleskom jeziku
“My English Book 2014”

Pozivamo sve ucenike uzrasta osnovnih i srednjih skola iz Republike Srbije da nam posalju svoju pricu, esej, pesmu ili strip na engleskom jeziku na temu po sopstvenom izboru.
Strucni ziri donece odluku o izboru vise najboljih radova koji ce biti objavljeni u knjizi koja ce imati svoju promociju na Beogradskom sajmu knjiga u oktobru 2014 godine, a tri najbolja rada po oceni zirija bice i posebno nagradjeni.

Rok za dostavu radova: 10. Maj 2014
Proglasenje nagradjenih i dodela nagrada: 7. juni 2014 godine

Vase radove mozete dostaviti na Email adresu: myenglishbook@englishbook.rs ili postom na The English Book, Staro sajmiste 29, Beograd


Trends in Grammar: The Critical Role of Listening in a Grammar Class

Upcoming Webinars

Title: Trends in Grammar: The Critical Role of Listening in a Grammar Class

Abstract summary: Of the four language skills, listening has received the least attention in English instruction, yet, its role is vital, particularly in the grammar class. Stacy Hagen will talk about recent research in listening, discuss the importance of teaching decoding skills, and show why listening belongs at all levels of a grammar curriculum.

Presenter: Stacy A. Hagen

Date: March 4, 2014

Time: 3:00 - 4:00pm EST

REGISTER HERE: http://longmanhomeusa.com/eltwebinars

Stacy Hagen is co-author of the Azar- Hagen Grammar Series. She is an experienced ESL teacher and administrator and the creator of EnglishwithStacy, a YouTube channel on spoken English.


YALS Seminar

Dear Colleagues,

We have the pleasure of inviting you to a one day Seminar called
Perk up your students’ passion through creative skills development
organised by YALS, the Association of Language Schools of Serbia
and The British Council.

This seminar will be held on 15th February 2014

"GUARNERIUS" – Centar Lepih Umetnosti, Džordža Vašingtona 12, Beograd.

The presenter will be:

Nick Bilbrough
Teacher and Teacher Trainer
Teachers’ resource book writer

Workshops will:

- explore a range of activities which use live listening material as the source of input
- will organize writing in the classroom, where short texts serve as memorable records for reinforcing and reviewing emergent language
- incorporate repetition into classes whilst maintaining the same level of engagement and motivation

The preliminary programme is for Saturday from 10:00 – 16:00

We hope that you will join us in making this seminar a success.

Looking forward to welcoming you at Guarnerius.

YALS registration form
Most sincerely,

Marija Pejatović

YALS Chair


Macmillan Webinars in 2014

Our series of Macmillan Webinars returns with a theatrical flourish next month, as Jeanne Perrett hosts our first 2014 webinar: Drama in the young learner classroom onFebruary 12th. And we have plenty more webinars coming up, too. Download our 2014 programme to view our full schedule and book your place now – registrations are completely free.

What's more, as a special treat to celebrate 2014, the Year of Macmillan Life Skills, on May 14th we'll be bringing you an entire day of online talks about life skills, featuring six of the biggest names in ELT.


Poziv za akreditovane Oxford seminare – OUP Days

OUP Days - Shaping Learning Together

Draga kolegice / kolega,

Bliži se još jedan februar, a sa njim i naše već tradicionalno okupljanje, ovoga puta malo drugačije jer umesto godišnje konferencije u Beogradu, ove godine smo odlučili da mi dođemo do vas!

Veliko nam je zadovoljstvo da vas pozovemo na seriju akreditovanih seminara Oxford Professional Development, namenjenih nastavnicima osnovnih i srednjih škola koji će se održati u sledećim gradovima:

Subotica, utorak 18. februar
Otvoreni univerzitet, Trg cara Jovana Nenada 15   > Prijava

Novi Sad, sreda 19. februar
Eduka centar, Trg mladenaca 5   > Prijava 

Kragujevac, četvrtak 20. februar
Biznis inovacioni centar, Trg Topolivaca 4   > Prijava
Čačak, petak 21. februar
Centar za stručno usavršavanje, Cara Dušana BB > Prijava
Beograd, subota 22. februar
Ustanova kulture Palilula, Mitropolita Petra 8
(kod hale Pionir) > Prijava

I ovoga puta smo se potrudili da osmislimo dinamičan i zanimljiv program kroz koji će vas voditi naši predavači Edmund Dudley, Gareth Davies i Marina Kopilović, koji će sa vama podeliti ideje na teme The Creative Classroom, Video: from novelty to mainstay, Creative Writing & Project work.

                                                                  Pogledajte program
U svakom gradu, seminar će se odvijati sa dve grupe nastavnika paralelno:

grupa od 30 nastavnika koji rade u osnovnim školama
grupa od 30 nastavnika koji rade u srednjim školama i gimnazijama. Po završetku seminara učesnicima će biti dodeljeno uverenje na 6 sati stručnog usavršavanja.

Rok za prijavu je 11. februar.
Prednost učešća imaju nastavnici koji koriste Oxford izdanja, a biće uzete u obzir samo prijave poslate putem online formulara!

Prijavite se sada 

Odmah nakon prijave na vašu email adresu će stići informacija o uspešnosti prijave, apotvrdu učešća ćete primiti najkasnije 12. februara 2013. na email adresu koju unesete prilikom prijavljivanja.

Radujemo se novom susretu sa vama!

Vera Šćekić
Area Manager
Oxford University Press ELT
Predstavništvo Srbija


Pearson Seminars


The ELT forum is approved. The number in the catalogue is S4562013.


Niš | 2014-01-30


Novi Sad | 2014-01-31


Beograd | 2014-02-01


Beograd | 2014-02-01


Handmade Slides: Free webinar by PowerPoint MVP Geetesh Bajaj

Here’s an exclusive opportunity to learn how to design presentation slides that look handmade using just PowerPoint.
Join one-hour free webinar on “Handmade Slides” by PowerPoint Most Valuable Professional (MVP) Geetesh Bajaj on January 14, 2014at 9.00 AM PST (11.00 AM CST; 12.00 PM EST; 5.00 PM GMT, 10.30 PM IST). Tweet this!
The webinar will demonstrate the techniques of crafting slides that appear handmade and thus unique. The ‘handmade style’ is highly effective in making your presentation look more personal and thoughtful and in helping you establish an intimate bond with most of your audience.
Here’s what you’ll learn from the webinar:

• How to create semi-transparent texture backgrounds in PowerPoint so that your slides stand out
• How to create a new Theme Fonts set in PowerPoint so that you can choose the right “handmade” font for your entire presentation
• How to apply the Scribbled Effect to your text that’s so much in vogue these days, so that it appears more “handmade”
• How to add embellishments to pictures in your presentation to create a handmade, balanced look

Geetesh Bajaj is an awarded Microsoft PowerPoint MVP (Most Valuable Professional) for over 13 years now. He has been designing and training with PowerPoint for 15 years and heads Indezine, a presentation design studio and content development organization based out of Hyderabad, India.

His website attracts more than two million page views each month and has thousands of free PowerPoint templates and other goodies for visitors to download.