
Konferencija o posebnim obrazovnim potrebama i inkluzivnom obrazovanju


Britanski savet u Srbiji 07. juna 2013. godine organizuje u Beogradu konferenciju o posebnim obrazovnim potrebama i inkluzivnom obrazovanju.

Cilj konferencije, koja je podeljena u dva dela - plenarni i radioničarski, jeste da istakne važnost inkluzivnog obrazovanja i adekvatne obuke nastavnika koji takvu nastavu izvode. Takođe, želimo da podelimo iskustva iz Velike Britanije i nastavnicima ponudimo praktične savete i rešenja koje mogu primeniti u svojoj učionici.

Naši uvaženi predavači iz Velike Britanije koji imaju veliko iskustvo u ovoj oblasti će govoriti o regulativama i praksi iz Velike Britanije, izazovima koji stoje pred nastavnicima ali i donosiocima odluka i kroz radionice će se fokusirati na teme kao što je disleksija, ADHD ali i druge izazove koje inkluzivna učionica nosi sa sobom.

Ovim putem Vas pozivamo da prisustvujete konferenciji. Učešće na konfernciji je besplatno a agenda je u nastavku ovog poziva. Konferencijsku brošuru možete preuzeti ovde. Konferencija će se takođe uživo prenositi preko interneta.

Kako bi Vaša registracija bila validna, molimo Vas do 3. juna popunite formular koji će se otvoriti klikom ovde. (ukoliko se formular ne otvori, ukucajte u internet pretraživač adresu: http://bit.ly/118cJDm)

Molimo Vas da kontaktirate Kristijana Rajkovića (kristijan.rajkovic@britishcouncil.rs) ukoliko Vam je bilo šta potrebno.

S poštovanjem,

Kristijan Rajković Britanski savet u Srbiji kristijan.rajkovic@britishcouncil.rs 011/3023-822



Dear colleagues,
We wanted to share our experiences and ideas with you, so, it is our pleasure to invite you to these two wonderful presentations/workshops. You can find short descriptions and timetable below.

If you are wondering if you are going to get any points… Well, this is so called “horizontal professional development”, so, yes, you are going to get 2 points, and a certificate of attendance 

The venue is American Corner, Kragujevac (Zorana Djindjica 10 / III), date - May 28th (Tuesday), time - 5 pm. (starts 5 pm, finishes 7.30).

I am sure you can spare a couple of hours of your free time, come to hear the presentations and exchange ideas.


Branka Dečković & Marija Lukač



(a presentation by Branka Deckovic, English teacher, Medical school, Kragujevac)
Are teachers going to be replaced by computers? I thought about this and also about all the results and consequences it could bring on, and I came to a conclusion that there would be no schools without teachers, not in the near future, or ever. Therefore, we should focus on the greatest source of variance that can make the difference – the teacher.

Coffee break

YOUR CPD – conference presentation début
(A presentation by Marija Lukac, Grammar and Economics School, Kovin)
Teaching is not what it used to be, right? Well, neither are we. In this workshop, we will talk about our professional development and how our teaching has been changed. I would like to show you that presenting to fellow colleagues makes sense as a next step on the professional development ladder. If a push and some hints is what you need, a push and some hints is what you’re going to get. Join us!


19. вебинар: Однос ученика према школи

19. вебинар заједнице

Тема: Однос ученика према школи

Садржаји: Заједнички онлајн "час одељенског старешине" свих заинтересованих одељења и разредних старешина!
Након осврта на значај и законску подлогу ЧОС- а, реализоваће се час одељењског старешине у трећем разреду средње стручне школе. Час ће бити покушај да се на активан начин приђе опсервацији стања у одељењу, са становишта учења и избегавања наставе. Циљ часа је да кроз дискусију отворимо питања мотивације ученика за учење, радних навика и познавања метода и техника успешног учења.
Ученици ће имати прилику да изнесу мишљења о различитим аспектима наставе и школског живота уопште, чиме ће се идентификовати њихов однос према школи.

ВИШЕ ИНФОРМАЦИЈА: http://eduobr.blogspot.com/


English Book Seminar

Poštovani saradnici,

U nameri da nastavnicima engleskog jezika koji rade sa predškolskim uzrastom što više približimo savremene metode u nastavi, te stručnom obukom i savetima olakšamo i unapredimo nastavu za ovaj uzrast, sa zadovoljstvom Vas pozivamo na seminar koji će održati gošća iz Engleske Daniela Clarke.

Seminar će se održati u prostorijama Britanskog saveta u Beogradu, Terazije 8/II, u dva termina:

13. juni 2013 – 10:00-13:00
14. juni 2013 – 17:00-20:00

Teme koje će se obraditi na seminaru su:


Children are natural language learners and have the ability to acquire a foreign language with ease. In this workshop, we'll look at the importance of teaching children solely in the target language, without the use of L1 instruction or translation. You will experience a range of effective teaching strategies and activities, consider the pedagogical principles behind them, and look at how they can be used to make learning a foreign language fun, yet purposeful for the children we teach.


Children are naturally curious and willing to learn, but it isn't always easy to keep their full attention. This workshop offers practical demonstrations of a variety of teaching activities that keep young children motivated throughout an English lesson, from the start to the end. We will be looking at how to link these activities effectively to offer children meaningful and enjoyable learning, whilst keeping to the lesson aims.

Učešće na seminaru je besplatno.

Molimo Vas da Vašu prijavu za učešće na ovom seminaru dostavite najkasnije do 11. juna 2013. Prijavu možete dostaviti elektronskim putem na adresu seminar2013@englishbook.rs ili putem faksa na broj 011 3131 044 sa sledećim podacima:
- Termin za koji se prijavljujete
- Ime i prezime
- Naziv obrazovne ustanove u kojoj radite
- Mesto
- Kontakt telefon
- Mail adresa

O predavaču:
Daniela Clarke graduated in English and Aesthetics and holds an RSA DELTA, a PgCert in Education and a PgCert in Coaching (Modern Foreign Languages). She has over 15 years' teaching experience, mainly in England, where she was an EFL teacher, teacher trainer and subject learning coach. She held the post of EFL Lecturer at Hastings College for 10 years, teaching secondary school and adult learners on general English courses, exam courses (KET, PET, FCE, CAE, IELTS, Pitman, LCCI for Business) and vocational English courses, and designing vocational courses. Her teacher training experience includes Trinity Cert TESOL, Further Teacher Development and Exam Assessors Courses.

Za sve dodatne informacije, stojimo Vam na raspolaganju.

Srdačan pozdrav,

Nevena Pejovski
Poslovni sekretar

The English Book
Staro sajmište 29
11000 Beograd, Srbija
Tel\fax: + 381 11 3131044
Mob: +381 65 3131044
Email: nevenapejovski@englishbook.rs
Web: www.englishbook.rs


6th Virtual Round Table Web Conference on language learning technologies

Dear all,

Yes, it starts tomorrow!

The 6th Virtual Round Table Web Conference on language learning technologies is about to begin with 79 guest speakers and a 48 hours of program over 3 days.

At 1pm GMT (2pm London time) on Friday, 17 May 2013, the conference organizers Heike, Shelly, Berni, Steven and Jennifer are going to open the virtual doors with a welcome address.

This is followed by four keynotes: Nicky Hockly & Gavin Dudeney, Sirin Soyoz, Angelika Guettl-Strahlhofer and Dr. Thomas Strasser.

The program is available here:


The conference is free of charge and we thank our sponsors and exhibitors for keeping it this way:

English360, EnglishCentral, ExamEnglish, GapFillers, iTDi, LinguaTV, Oxford School of English.

Upcoming keynotes are: Miguel Mendoza, Evelyn Izquierdo, Hayo Reinders, Paul Driver (LTSIG Event), Joe Dale, Steven Herder, Barbara Sakamoto and an inspiring closing keynote by Shelly S. Terrell.

All of the main sessions will be livestreamed on facebook and on a livestream channel for those who do not have a facebook account.

Further highlights of the conference are...
a Southamerican Symposium organised by Jennifer Verschoor
an Asian Symposium organised by Steven Herder
a panel discussion on CEFR 'Is your B1 my B1?'
presentation by 'Disabled Access Friendly' campaign
presentation by 'The NO Project' campaign
the LTSIG event with Paul Driver
an unconference/ barcamp hosted by Vance Stevens
the ELTONs sneak preview
a musical rap performance
machinima cinema time

How can I attend?

The web conference takes place online in a web conference solution called Adobe Connect. For an Adobe Connect system and connection test click here. There are different rooms so watch out for right link. Links are mentioned on the conference program. Seats are limited in Adobe Connect and it is advisable that you come early.

ARTHUR (Main Venue): http://lancelot.adobeconnect.com/arthur
MERLIN: http://lancelot.adobeconnect.com/merlin
TRISTAN: http://lancelot.adobeconnect.com/tristan
AVALON: http://lancelot.adobeconnect.com/avalon
CAMELOT: http://lancelot.adobeconnect.com/camelot

When you click on the links mentioned in the program, you do not need to install any software. Please enter as guest. Simply type your name and your city, for example 'John Smith (Illinois)'. You can also enter with your Twitter handle, even better.

For further information to help you have a great conference experience....

[HOME] http://www.virtual-round-table.com

[PROGRAM] http://tinyurl.com/6vrtwebconprogram

[SPONSORS/EXHIBITORS] http://www.virtual-round-table.com/page/sponsors-and-exhibitors

[FAQs] http://www.virtual-round-table.com/page/faqs

[CERTIFICATES OF ATTENDANCE] http://vrtwebcon.eventbrite.com

[RECORDINGS] http://www.virtual-round-table.com/profiles/blog/list

[ABOUT] http://www.virtual-round-table.com/page/about-virtual-round-table

We are looking forward to meeting you live and online.

Heike Philp, let’s talk online sprl, Shelly Sanchez Terrell,  Berni Wall, RLI Gapfiller, Steven Herder, iTDi, Jennifer Verschoor, ARCALL

Visit Virtual Round Table Web Conference at: http://www.virtual-round-table.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network


TKT 4 - Pančevo


Obaveštavamo Vas da je u toku realizacija programa stručnog usavršavanja nastavnika engleskog jezika pod nazivom „TKT 4 Tour round Serbia - Introduction to TKT Essentials“. Navedeni program je akreditovan .(Seminar je akreditovan na osnovu sporazuma Britanskog saveta i Ministarstva br.680-00-00037/2011-06 od 23.11.2011. godine.) Realizatori ovog programa su iskusni treneri, članovi udruženja nastavnika engleskog jezika ELTA, koji su uspešno završili program obuke u Britanskom savetu u Beogradu. Seminar je namenjen nastavnicima engleskog jezika osnovnih i srednjih škola, državnog i privatnog sektora, kao i nastavnicima drugih stranih jezika koji bi voleli da se bave navedenim temama.

Program „TKT 4 Tour round Serbia - Introduction to TKT Essentials“ se realizuje u 20 gradova Srbije, u trajanju od jednog dana. Želja nam je da obezbedimo jednake mogućnosti za profesionalno usavršavanje koristeći gostoprimstvo škola i centara domaćina i na taj način smanjiimo troškove putovanja zainteresovanih nastavnika.

Svi učesnici dobijaju odgovarajuće sertifikate Britanskog saveta (6 sati profesionalnog usavršavanja), priznate od strane Ministarstva prosvete. Učesnici ne plaćaju troškove seminara, zahvaljujući podršci Britanskog saveta i udruženja nastavnika engleskog jezika ELTA.

Na svakom seminaru ELTA i Britanski savet nagradjuju jednog srećnog dobitnika jednogodišnjom članarinom u Udruženju nastavnika engleskog jezika.

Mesto održavanja: Pančevo, Klub prosvetnih radnika (Žarka Zrenjanina 4)

Datum i vreme: nedelja 02.06.2013, 9.00-17.00

Teme: Exploring lexis, Practice activities, Planning: individual lessons and schemes of work, Coursebook materials (rad na udžbeniku, uvođenju novih reči, planiranju i praktičnim zadacima).

Prijave su do 29.maja, ili do popune 30 mesta. Javite se Mariji Lukač emailom na marija.elt@gmail.com 

Srdačan pozdrav,

Mariji Lukač

Evolution of the Dictionary by Macmillan Education

Recently, Macmillan Dictionary announced that they will move away from print and continue online and digitally only. In this video, Dr Johnson takes us through the evolution of the dictionary, from his first Dictionary of the English Language to the dictionary as it is today. Subscribe to theirr channel now to keep updated on their new videos:


TKT 4 - Kragujevac

Drage kolege i koleginice,
Sa zadovoljstvom vas pozivam na seminar za nastavnike engleskog jezika, u subotu 1.06.2013. Seminar ce se odrzati u
Medicinskoj školi u Kragujevcu, sa početkom u 10h.

Seminar „TKT 4 Tour round Serbia - Introduction to TKT Essentials“ je akreditovan po posebnom sporazumu između
Ministarstva prosvete i Britanskog saveta. Namenjen je nastavnicima engleskog jezika osnovnih i srednjih škola,
državnog i privatnog sektora.

Seminar je besplatan i nosi 6 sati stručnog usavršavanja.

Vaše prijave sa imenom i prezimenom, nazivom škole u kojoj radite i kontakt telefonom ili email adresom,
možete poslati na sledeći mail:
branka_deckovic@yahoo.com, ili se mozete prijaviti telefonom na 060 70 70 886.
Krajnji rok za prijave je utorak, 28.05.2013.

10:00 –10:30       An Overview of  TKT,  BC presentation

10:30 – 12:00      Workshop I: Exploring Lexis  
12:00 – 12:15      Coffee break
12:15 – 13:45      Workshop II:  Practice activities 
13:45 – 14:15      Lunch
14:15 – 15:45      Workshop III: Planning: individual lessons and schemes of work
15:45 – 16:00      Coffee break
 17:30    Workshop IV: Coursebook materials
17:30 – 18.00      ELTA presentation
Feedback and Certification

Srdačan pozdrav,
Branka Dečković
ELTA coordinator za Šumadijski okrug
Medicinska škola "Sestre Ninković"

Sajam knjiga i porcelana


Pozivamo Vas da posetite prodajni sajam knjiga i porcelana u organizaciji The English Book-a koji će se održati od 17. do 19. maja u hotelu Kragujevac, od 09 do 20 časova.

Svim posetiocima nudimo bogat izbor udžbenika:

- Programi za učenje engleskog jezika, gramatike i rečnici
- Dečija literatura
- Engleski klasici i savremena beletristika
- Stručna literatura

Uz bogat izbor najfinijeg porcelana, osetićete pravi duh Engleske.
Ulaz za sve posetioce je besplatan!


Oxford Teachers' Academy

Oxford Teachers' Academy FOR PRIMARY TEACHERS Iskoristite jedinstvenu priliku da učestvujete na prestižnom seminaru Oxford Teachers’ Academy koji je namenjen nastavnicima osnovnih škola.

 Program je akreditovan pod kataloškim brojem 811, traje 3 dana i nosi 24 boda. Nastavnici koji savladaju sve radionice i popune evidencije za procenu stečenog znanja na zadovoljavajućem nivou, pored uverenja Ministarstva prosvete, dobijaju i sertifikat Odeljenja za kontinuirano usavršavanje Univerziteta u Oksfordu.

 KADA 13. – 15. jun 2013. GDE Beograd, OŠ “Stari grad”, Herceg Stjepana 7 ROK ZA PRIJAVU 20. maj 2013.

 PREDAVAČI Nina Lauder i Verissimo Toste Seminar je besplatan ali je broj mesta ograničen na 35 učesnika po grupi. Detalje o programu seminara preuzmite ovde: PROGRAM.

 Ako želite da učestvujete popunite prijavu i pošaljite je na oupserbia@oup.com najkasnije do 20. maja 2013.

 Ovde možete preuzeti formular prijave: PRIJAVA

Vaše prijave će biti obrađene do 24. maja nakon čega ćete biti obavešteni da li se nalazite na listi učesnika. Radujemo se novom susretu sa vama!

Vera Šćekić