ELTA Newsletter - December/ January issue
We hope that you have had fruitful year both on professional and personal level. We would like to thank to all the contributors to ELTA newsletter so far, and to encourage all colleagues and other interested parties to participate in our mission to share our experiences and better ELT in Serbia. Having that in mind, we have prepared a lot of interesting articles to start the New Year with. We hope that you will find them useful and inspiring.
Best wishes for the New Year and Christmas holidays on behalf of ELTA Editorial Team
ELTA Editorial team
Click here to read ELTA Newsletter - December/ January issue
PIL časopis - decembarsko izdanje
Edukativni Blogovi
Blogove uredjuju kolege nastavnici širom Srbije, a na edublogodak.com su podeljeni po kategorijama.
Preporučite ovaj sajt kolegama u školi, biće vam zahvalni.
Pearson Seminar
Pearson-Akronolo Vas poziva na odobreni seminar na učiteljskom fakultetu , Kraljice Natalije 43, Beograd, 26.01.2012. u 11:45h.
Seminar će držati dva strana predavača.
Prijava je do 23.01. 2012. mejlom natasha.nikolic@pearson.com ili na telefone 063/ 370 148 011/ 301 8838
Potrebni podaci za prijavu su: Ime i prezime, JMBG, škola i grad u kome radite.
Vaš Pearson- Akronolo
Shelly Terrell - free webinar
Zimski republički seminar
International celebration of the life and work of Charles Dickens
Dickens 2012 is an international celebration of the life and work of Charles Dickens to mark the bicentenary of his birth, which falls on 7 February 2012. Institutions and organisations from all over the world are partners of Dickens 2012 and work together to deliver a programme of events and activities to commemorate this very special anniversary.
The richly imagined novels that Dickens wrote combine both the realistic with the allegorical and do so to powerful effect. Dickens was a writer who knew the power of the word and the power of fiction to express the hopes and dreams, fears and frustrations of life as we live it, in our own hearts and minds and in our relationships with others.
We are pleased to invite the secondary schools in Serbia to participate in Writing Competition. The goal of the competition is to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Charles Dickens's birth in Serbia.
For more information click here.
Konkursi za nastavnike
definition of twisticuffs
an argument that is conducted on the social networking site Twitter
A prime example is the Twisticuffs that have gone on between Simon Crosby of XenSource and Citrix, discussing OpenCloud and the response from Open Cloud Initiative co-founder Sam Johnston, who claims this is misuse of the open label.
Nik Peachey - intervju za časopis "Partner u učenju"
Introduction to Primary Essentials
KLETT seminari
Idiom a day
Курс „Практични аспекти Електронског учења“
Курс је сачињен из четири целине, при чему је за реализацију сваке потребно по недељу дана. Настава ће се обављати преко интернета.
Курс није намењен искључиво наставницима и професорима, већ свим заинтересованим.
Наставне јединице обухваћене курсом су :
1. Лекција:
Тема: Историјски развој учења на даљину, настанак електронског учења, средства и облици електронског учења.
2. Лекција:
Тема: Појам Learning Management System-a и опис функција једног реалног LMS-a
3. Лекција:
Тема: Израда мултимедијалне лекције и ученичких задатака – Инструкциони дизајн
4. Лекција:
Тема: Инсталација и администрирање LMS-a
Више информација: http://dagenda.e-lrn.org/
Kорак 1: Регистровати се на адреси: http://dagenda.e-lrn.org/moodle/login/index.php
Корак 2: Курсу приступити уношењем кода 1002.
Towards Better Understanding - Kula, Vrbas, Crvenka..
Drage kolege iz Kule, Vrbasa, Crvenke i okoline, da li ste zainteresovani za pohadjanje seminara "Towards Better Understanding" http://elta.org.rs/new/seminars/tbu/ koji bi se organizovao i održao u Kuli?
Ako jeste molim vas, javite se na 065-240-23-70 ili na mejl ivana.irishgirl@gmail.com
da se dogovorimo i zajedničkim snagama to ostvarimo.
Hvala!! Ivana Ilić
Speaking and Writing – Exam Preparation and Assessment
OUP Global Webinar, 24th November 2011
There are plenty of basic areas to be tackled too in preparing our students – making sure they understand and answer the question, are as accurate as possible, and have the techniques for planning and managing their time. And, of course, they'll need the confidence to perform on their own, without you there to coach and prompt them!
In this online seminar we'll look at how to make the most of the material and features available as part of the exams preparation packages from Oxford. In particular, making sure students get enough practice both in and out of class, the benefits of using the online 'Speak and Record' function and the ability to submit and redraft writing tasks.
Obrazovno okruženje - profesionalni razvoj
Capitals IV2
A wonderful project made by Biljana Dedic, an English teacher and her students from primary school "Ćirilo i Metodije".
Looking back and looking forward to IT
This seminar is composed of four workshops united under the topic of Professional Development and the role of Information Technologies in it.
Energetic, dynamic, communicative, with positive attitude, Jasmina and Marija share enthusiasm about their profession and are working hard to spread the spark. This is Jasmina’s first Teacher’s seminar as a presenter, but she is natural, whereas Marija has the presenting virus ever since British Council's YETI programme. They both work in secondary schools but have experience with teaching young learners as well. They believe in sharing and are both active in ELTA.
For more information click here.
TEDx Novi Sad
Ako tražite posao poslednjih nekoliko godina, možda vam se desilo da ste postepeno izgubili strpljenje, zapitali se o svojim sposobnostima ili čak posumnjali u kvalitet svog obrazovanja. U rukama držite diplomu koja govori da ste završili jedno, a u oglasu se traži nešto sasvim drugo. Kako zaista izgleda obrazovanje trenutno, a šta je potrebno da naučimo za budućnost? Formalno obrazovanje više nije dovoljno. Kako odgovoriti na savremene potrebe i koje su nam sve veštine neophodne da bismo živeli i radili u eri znanja?
Više informacija na sajtu: http://tedxnovisad.com/
Na ovom događaju, predavači će biti i naše koleginice, profesor engleskog Nada Purtić i profesor razredne nastave Ljiljana Jovanović. Više informacija pronađite ovde.
ELTA Newsletter - November issue
Dear colleagues,
With the arrival of our November issue http://www.britishcouncil.org/serbia-elta-newsletter-2011-november.htm, we would like to remind you that the topic of the next one is 'Project work'. It seems to be one of your favourite themes since it is the third time it has appeared in our newsletter. Write to us!
Editorial team
ELTA Serbia
ELTA and Data Status seminars in November
Towards Better Understanding 4, a series of one-day professional development seminars starts in November and continues in the spring semester:
- Centre for Professional Development, Kruševac, 19 November 2011
- Vasa Pelagić Primary School, Belgrade – Kotež, 26 November 2011
- Svetozar Marković Grammar School, Subotica, 26 November 2011
For more information, please visit ELTA’s website
Data Status workshops:
- Leskovac, 12 November 2011
- Smederevo, 12 November 2011
- Čačak, 12 November 2011
- Kikinda, 19 November 2011
- Užice, 26 November 2011
All the workshops will be held at the regional centres for professional development in education.
Dešavanja u Američkom Kutku u Kragujevcu tokom novembra.

U nedelju, 13. novembra, u prostoru galerije Narodne biblioteke ,,Vuk Karadžić” održaće se koncert duvačkog kvinteta BRASS SENSE iz Beograda, pod nazivom VEČE AMERIČKE MUZIKE. Na programu su dela Artura Frakenpola, Bilija Strejhorna, Irvinga Berlina, Djuka Elingtona i Leonarda Bernštajna. Brass Sense Quintet čine muzičari beogradskih orkestara, koje je okupila želja za zajedničkim muziciranjem i negovanjem karakterističnog zvuka limenog duvačkog kvinteta. Osnovan je početkom 2010. godine.
Organizaciju koncerta omogućila je Kancelarija za medije i kulturu Američke ambasade u Beogradu. Koncert počinje u 18 časova. Ulaz je slobodan.
- U ponedeljak, 14. novembra u 17 časova, organizujemo druženje sa predstavnicima agencije za kulturnu razmenu AYUSA.
Studenti će imati priliku da saznaju nesto više o programu Work&Travel koji se odnosi na sezonske poslove u Americi,
Au Pair programu koji traje godinu dana i podrazumeva čuvanje dece u američkim porodicama kao i o programu stručne prakse u Americi.
Organizacija Ayusa uspešno posluje od 1989. godine i svi programi su podržani od strane američkog Stejt Department-a. Ayusa se isključivo bavi obrazovnim programima razmene jer verujemo da je obrazovanje najbolja investicija. Veliki broj učenika i studenata boravio je u Americi na nekom od naših programa, usavršio engleski jezik, stekao dragoceno iskustvo, dokazao se u novoj sredini i spoznao svoje sposobnosti. Za vise informacija posetite website ove agencije www.ayusa.rs
British Council i Sajam knjiga u Beogradu
Poštovane kolege,
Pozivamo Vas da sa svojim učenicima posetite štand EUNIC (kulturni centri Evropske Unije) na ovogodišnjem Sajmu knjiga u Beogradu od 23. do 30. oktobra.
Posebno želimo da Vas pozovemo na kratak kviz o paraolimpijskim igrama u Londonu 2012 za decu uzrasta 10 i više godina kao i nagradnu radionicu u utorak, 25. oktobra 2011. godine od 16.00 do 17.00 časova.
Kviz i radionicu će voditi Kristijan Rajković.
Cambridge University Press, British Council и ESOL испити Универзитета у Кембриџу имају част да Вас позову на годишњу конференцију за стручно усавршавање наставника енглеског језика.
Cambridge Day 2011
Više informacija u sekciji seminar announcements.
Onestopenglish needs a diarist!
OUP Day 2011
The English Book Oxford Day
5th November 2011, Sava Centar, Belgrade
Presenters: Vaughan Jones, Ozge Karaoglu, Nicholas Peachy.
For more information click here: OUP day.
Kurs poslovnog engleskog jezika
Američki Kutak Kragujevac poziva sve zainteresovane na kurs Poslovnog engleskog jezika u trajanju od oktobra 2011. do aprila 2012. Kurs je besplatan, časovi ce se održavati dva puta nedeljno u prostorijama Americkog kutka od 17:30 do 19:00 časova, ali nažalost nismo u mogućnosti da oformimo veliku grupu. Zato molimo sve zainteresovane da se prijave na email Kutka ackragujevac@gmail.com Prilikom prijave bićete obavesteni o terminu polaganja evaluacionog testa za pohadjanje kursa.
Izučavanje poslovnog engleskog jezika obuhvata široko područje od pisanja poslovnih pisama do govorne komunikacije. Namera nam je da kandidata uputimo u specifične oblasti poslovnog jezika u zavisnosti od potreba kandidata i firme u kojoj je zaposlen ili namerava da radi
Dodjite da se zajedno usavrsavamo.
American Corner Kragujevac
Dr Zorana Djindjica 10/III
34000 Kragujevac
+381 34 300020
Američki Univerzitet u Bugarskoj
Novi broj PIL časopisa
Novi broj PIL časopisa za nastavnike donosi:
Besplаtni elektronski seminаr zа nаstаvnike o održаvаnju Windows Server 2008
Bionet školа – internet resurs broj 1 zа nаstаvu biologije
Dete i rаčunаr
Seminаr „Sаvremenа pismenost – pаmetnа upotrebа internetа u obrаzovаnju, komunikаciji i grаđаnskom аktivizmu“
Obаveznа lektirа zа nаstаvnike
Održаn četvrti „Bubble Cup“
Proglаšeni nаjbolji đаčki krаtki filmovi
Novi broj časopisa na adresi: http://pilcasopis.wordpress.com/
ELTA Newsletter
By clicking on the following link: http://www.britishcouncil.org/serbia-elta-newsletter-2011-september.htm
you will be able to read the latest issue of ELTA Newsletter for September 2011.
Elektronski seminari
Centar za unapređenje nastave „ABAKUS“ Vas poziva na sledeće elektronske seminare:
NOVA ŠKOLA – VIŠEFRONTALNA NASTAVA kataloški broj 580, obavezan, 16 časova stručnog usavršavanja
DECA SA SMETNJAMA U RAZVOJU I PREPORUKE ZA RAD SA NJIMA kataloški broj 794, izborni, 16 časova stručnog usavršavanja
Više detalja u sekciji SEMINARS.
A free Webinar: The How To of Learning Stations
Do you get kninkles when you see twagiarism?
the language of flowers - each flower has a particular meaning
plagiarism (=using somebody else's words as if they were your own) on Twitter
When Miss Universe contestant Vasuki Sunkavalli was discovered tweeting a journalist's political commentary as if the thoughts were her own, it wasn't long before she was accused of twagiarism.
wrinkles which surround a knee. A blend of the words 'knee' and 'wrinkles'.
Radio-frequency treatments are often used on the face to tighten slack skin and can work wonders on kninkles.
More entries here.
Get spooked with onestopenglish in September!
The Farewell Party in Honour of Mr Andrew Glass
Translation Coordinator
10 fake ‘Simpsons’ words that belong in the dictionary
Which of these words is your favorite: "Yoink", "Diddly", "Glayvin", "Meh", "Kwyjibo", "Car Hole", "Frogurt", "Craptacular", "Unpossible", "Embiggen"?
Macmillan Webinar
American Corner Kragujevac
Što se tiče drugih programa Američkog Kutka u Kragujevcu, biće novih programa za decu, nastaviće se rad AC FUN Club-a, organizovaće besplatan kurs poslovnog engleskog...
Patuljak - škola jezika za decu i odrasle
Konkurs "Saznali na seminaru - primenili u praksi" - odgovor Branke Dačeski
U nameri da se nastavnici engleskog jezika koji su istovremeno i učesnici stručnih seminara motivišu u primeni novih znanja i veština, razmeni ideja i pozitivnih iskustava iz prakse Zavod za unapređivanje obrazovanja i vaspitanja raspisao je konkurs "Saznali na seminaru - primenili u praksi".
Više o svemu na sledećoj adresi:
Katalog programa stručnog usavršavanja
This September, British Council will have a series of professional development seminars for teachers in four Serbian towns, Čačak, Niš, Novi Sad and Belgrade.
The seminars will be lead by Bob Obee, Cambridge ESOL.
Need more information? Click here.8/09/2011
Seminars for English teachers: “Always Learning”
Grant Kempton is coming to Serbia!
August 23rd Niš
August 24th Kruševac
August 25th Novi Sad
August 26th Belgrade
Pearson representatives
Marina Mudrenović tel: 063/ 650-081 e-mail: marina.mudrenovic@pearson.com
Slobodan Janković tel: 063/ 650-027 e-mail: slobodan.jankovic@pearson.com
Milan Miletić tel: 063/ 306-246 e-mail: milan.miletic@pearson.com
Nataša Nikolić, phones 063/ 370-148, 011/ 301-88-38, natasa.nikolic@pearson.com
Registration required by August 19th.
Obuke za za Windоws MultiPoint Server 2010
Na obuke se može prijаviti sаmo po jedаn nаstаvnik iz svаke škole kojа je dobilа rаčunаrski kаbinet u okviru projektа „Digitаlnа školа“, kojа je zа obuku dobilа preporuku direktorа škole. Obukа je zа nаstаvnikа besplаtnа, а u okviru obuke se dobijаju i brošurа o Windows MultiPoint Server 2010 i dvа sendvič-obrokа (Mаjkrosoft ne može dа nаdoknаdi troškove putovаnjа do mestа obuke nаstаvnicimа).
20. аvgustа i 21. аvgustа 2011. održаvаju se jednodnevne obuke u Mаjdаnpeku i Subotici, 23. аvgustа i 24. аvgustа 2011. održаvаju u Krаljevu, 25. аvgustа i 26. аvgustа obuke u Kruševcu, 27. аvgustа i 28. аvgustа održаvаju se obuke u Beogrаdu, Zаječаru, Nišu, Somboru i Užicu (аdrese školа možete pročitаti u pаdаjućoj listi, pri izboru školа). Obukа je jednodnevnа, počinje u 9.00 i zаvršаvа se u 17.00 čаsovа. Prijаvljivаnje trаje do petkа do 10 čаsovа zа sve obuke koje se održаvаju vikendom, odnosno do 22. аvgustа do 10 čаsovа zа obuke u Krаljevu i do 24. аvgustа do 10 čаsovа zа obuke u Kruševcu (odnosno dok mestа ne budu popunjenа). Ukoliko zа obuku bude mаli broj prijаvljenih nаstаvnikа, istа će biti otkаzаnа, а nаstаvnici će biti obаvešteni o otkаzivаnju obuke mejlom, dаn pred obuku nаjkаsnije do 15 čаsovа.
Prijаvljivаnje zа obuke u Novom Sаdu, Vršcu, Sremskoj Mitrovici, Beogrаdu, Požаrevcu, Nišu, Pirotu, Jаgodini, Vаljevu, Novom Pаzаru, Leskovcu i Vrаnju koje će biti održаne u periodu od 1. septembrа do 20. septembrа 2011. će biti dostupno od 25. аvgustа 2011.
Prijava i detaljne informacije na ovoj adresi: http://www.microsoftsrb.rs/registracija/pil/
Malo korisnih i zanimljivih informacija

Warming up for September
Google+: The Complete Guide
What Is Google+?
Google+ is the search giant’s latest attempt to create a social network that rivals Facebook. Google launched Google+ on June 28, 2011 with a private beta. The project was led by Vic Gundotra, Google’s SVP of social.
The social network is a collection of different social products. These features include Stream (a newsfeed), Sparks (a recommendation engine), Hangouts (a video chat service), Huddle (a group texting service), Circles (a friend management service) and Photos. We explain all of these features later in this guide. More features such as Games and Questions are expected to launch in the near future.
Google chose the name Google+ because it wants Google+ to be “an extension of Google itself,” Gundotra explained to Mashable days before the launch. It’s designed to be an improvement to all of Google, which is why the company also decided to change the iconic Google navigation bar to include a link to a user’s Google+ profile, as well as a new icon that displays how many notifications a user has received, much like how Facebook handles notifications.
This isn’t Google’s first shot at dominating the social space. It has a long history in social media, including Orkut and its biggest success in social, YouTube. However, it’s had two very big flops in social: Google Waveand Google Buzz.
So, without further ado, here is Mashable‘s complete guide to Google+: Click here.7/27/2011
ELTA Newsletter July / August 2011
Oxford Teachers' Club
Onestopenglish: Brighten up your summer!
While for many people summer is a time to relax, we know that the summer months can be the busiest of the year for English language teachers: between long breaks, short courses and new classes, it can be challenging to find fun and stimulating materials to bring into the classroom.
The onestopenglish team is here to help! Start exploring the resources below to find answers to all your summer teaching dilemmas ..
Your English: Phrasal verbs: in the news - With more details coming out and the story showing no signs of dying down, Tim Bowen looks at phrasal verbs in the news – in particular, the News of the World phone-hacking scandal.
General: holiday English courses - Many teachers do summer work teaching on short intensive courses. Such courses often have more of a holiday atmosphere than normal classes and teachers may look for jollier, summery activities. Here are a few birght and crazy ideas.
Grammar: differences between could and can - An article discussing the differences between 'could' and 'can' when expressing possibility.
Monthly news lesson: Greece: ‘Only tourism can save our bankrupt land’ - As Greece faces up to bankruptcy, the nation’s politicians are pinning their hopes on tourism to rescue it from economic collapse. But can the country that has been promoted as a cheap mass travel destination rebrand itself as a paradise of myths, mountains and monuments?
9 Reasons to Attend The Reform Symposium Free Worldwide Online Conference
Do you use humour in the classroom?
In this post, Jeremy Taylor, a freelance writer and teacher trainer based in Czech Republic, explores the benefits of using humour in the classroom to engage students and improve their learning. Do you have a good sense of humour? Do you use your humour in the classroom? Read more by visting OUP ELT Global Blog